

Will owning one or more corporate aircraft really make sense for your company?

We have special expertise to evaluate this question and provide a realistic answer. Maybe not. But if the answer is "yes," then we can provide the bean counters with proof including prints-outs of our analysis that corporate aircraft will save the firm substantially over commercial travel.

Besides saving money and time, intelligently managed corporate aircraft can increase revenue for the firm by expanding customer contacts and opening new markets. 

We place orders for all Cessna Piston Single Engine Aircraft year round

Sterling Air, Ltd. invites you to visit us at our Carson City, Nevada airport headquarters. Combine your aircraft shopping with a pleasant time in the historic capitol of Nevada.


Sterling Air, Ltd.
2640 College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89706
USA E-mail:
FAX: 775.885.6842
Phone: 775. 885.6800
Phone: 800.770.5908